P is for Power of Picture Books

P is for the Power of Picture Books.

THIS is the post I have been most excited to write! From the tips of my toes to the top of my head, I truly believe that picture books have power. They have the power to spark creativity, foster imagination, induce belly laughs, teach concepts, share cultures, encourage discussions, create a safe space to talk about tough topics, and so much more.

My favorite phrase that I have learned while on this author journey is that picture books can be a window, a mirror and a sliding glass door:
*a window into the lives of others – to learn about new cultures, traditions, family structures, etc.
*a mirror – to see yourself, your family, your identify represented
*a sliding glass door – the ability to build empathy, compassion and understanding for others who are different from you

OUR DIFFERENCES SHOULD BE CELEBRATED. Picture books do an incredible job celebrating our similarities and differences. Picture books are not just for children. We live in a world where our differences are not celebrated. We are divided. People are mean. People are angry. Books are being banned for absurd reasons. I want to simply scream, “STOP AND READ 100 PICTURE BOOKS!” Take a minute to learn about one another. Realize how boring it would be if we were all the same and that our differences make our world beautiful.

Picture books can be an escape. A time when everything is quiet. A time when a child can snuggle up to a parent, grandparent, caregiver. A time to simply listen to their animated teacher read a story and share their love of literature. A time where they can retreat to a comfortable spot and get lost in a world that doesn’t exist. Even on our busiest nights as a family, I know we can come together and read before turning out the lights.

As adults, why do we read? I read to relax, to escape from worries or clear my mind and to continue to learn. If I am reading a nonfiction book, I have to read it during the day at a time when I am going to be very focused. Nonfiction is work for me and I don’t consider it to be enjoyable. If I am doing something I consider boring, such as cleaning bathrooms or folding laundry, I tend to pop in an audiobook to help pass the time. At night, I read to help unwind and it’s typically a romance or mystery novel. But, I believe I am an adult reader because my parents read to me and my teachers picked awesome read alouds. I have also surrounded myself with some of the best book lovers and readers who share fantastic recommendations.

Let’s circle back to the A to Z theme of resilience. Picture books can help create resilience in learning and life’s challenges. The reading levels vary in picture books and with the help of a librarian or an adult, a child can find a picture book where they can experience success as they become a stronger reader. A child can fall in love with the characters in a series and travel with them around the world without ever leaving their bedroom. There are picture books about life, illness, death, divorce, moving, financial struggles, etc. that are difficult to talk about. Picture books provide a springboard to share a story and then tie it in with real life to have a meaningful conversation.

Picture books have power. I hope you help share the power of picture books with the children…and adults in your life.

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