A is for Author Journey

A is for Author Journey.

Over 15 years ago while still in college, preparing to be an elementary teacher, I knew I wanted to write a picture book. Wanting to write and actually writing a book are two totally different things.

What is a dream you have? What is something you hope to make happen? More importantly, what are you doing to accomplish that dream or goal?

When the world shut down in 2020, I stepped away from my classroom for one year. I was able to focus on my family and then really make time for not only writing, but the publishing world. In the evenings and weekends when I would be grading papers or lesson planning, I was writing and researching.

This year, the theme of the A to Z Blogging Challenge is RESILENCE. There were days I KNEW I would get my book published and then other days I wanted to highlight the entire manuscript and press delete. The word resilence applies so deeply to not only writers, but anyone working towards a goal or dream. I invite you to spend a little time with me over the next month as I share some of the things I learned along my own personal author journey. There is ALWAYS more to learn. I will continue to learn in hopes of working on my own craft and one day hitting the New York Times Best Seller list. A girl can dream, right?

Now back to you. What dream do you have? Write it down and do something today to make it happen. Because one day…it will.

#atozblogchallenge2023 #AtoZChallenge #AprilAtoZ #bloggingchallenge #writingcommunity #authorjourney #dream

7 thoughts on “A is for Author Journey

  1. I turn 61 next year. The pandemic was also what finally got me to take my desire (since I was 8) to write a novel and really make some progress. It’s taking way longer than I expected and is harder in many ways, but the difference this time from all of my previous attempts is that I just keep going.

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