Beta Readers Part 2

As I mentioned yesterday, thank you to all of my beta readers: Pam, Ashley, Dana, Beth, Max, Brooke P, Sarah, Nicole and Marty. I will forever be grateful for your honest feedback and unwavering support. 

Other friends that deserve a shoutout from the top of the highest mountain for their continued support and willingness to test out website and social media links include: Kristen B., Kelly D., Megan G., Blake L., Grace P., and Sarah Y. So very thankful for your support and enthusiasm during this journey.

Beta reader, Pam, will go down in history as the most influential mentor in my career. She is the person who challenged me the most during my teaching interview and is the person who helped shape me into the teacher I am today. Kindness is her jam and I was excited and also terrified to hear her feedback. We had a two hour Facetime call to talk about the book, work through characters and ideas and talk about what it means to be kind in our world. Thank you, Pam…for everything.

Beta reader, Ashley, was my first teammate in my teaching journey. We are now states apart but continue to share teaching ideas and check in on each other and our families. Her enthusiasm for the story and her feedback will forever be remembered.

Beta readers, Dana, Beth and Max, are head of the cheerleading squad and their honest feedback really helped morph the story. They are constantly check in on the writing journey and I am thankful for their support. 

Beta reader, Brooke, earns the title of “Queen Swearer” and “Boss Lady.” Two titles that are meant as complete compliments and that are hard to earn! When you combine those two qualities, I received honest feedback with a fire and I love her for that. Her constant reminder to keep going and more importantly, never quit, will forever be appreciated.

Beta readers, Sarah, Nicole and Marty, are former classroom parents of mine. I had the privilege to teach their UNBELIEVABLY kind children, and valued their feedback to continue the kindness with other children.

One of my beta readers feedback COMPLETELY changed the story from fantasy to realistic fiction. She read the manuscript through the lens of not only a parent, but I believe also as a lawyer. I got lawyered…and I am so happy she challenged me.

Stay tuned and thank you for reading.

I before E…well…sometimes.

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